Pulse (AIIMS)

Pulse is the largest annual cultural, literary and sports festival of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India held for Medical Undergraduate students in India. It is held in the second half of September, usual dates being September 16–22 or September 17–23. This week long extravaganza is the biggest inter-college festival of the medical fraternity of India, with participation of over 600 medical and dental colleges all over India and even foreign medical colleges. Apart from the medical colleges, IIT Delhi and many colleges of Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University also participate in various events in Pulse. For some of the mega events, like the Rock Nite, attendance may go over 10,000. The number of registered delegates varies from 5,000 to 8,000 every year. Registration is required for participants from outside Delhi. Registered delegates are provided accommodation and transportation at a nominal cost for the seven days. Participants in medical colleges from even the farthest corners of India eagerly await the invitation to Pulse and come to Delhi to attend Pulse. The regular winning teams for many events practise vigorously to maintain their status in Pulse. A "pulse champion" in the well participated events can be considered an inter-medical champion of national level.



The festival with its present name pulse probably started in 1972. Each year, starting from 1999, the highlights of Pulse are being recorded online in Hybrid Hues, the magazine of AIIMS students.

Common Events

The opening ceremony is highlighted by the "P wave" - an opulent musical dance drama performed by students of AIIMS, depicting the theme of the pulse of that year. "P wave" is named after the first wave in an ECG pulse.

The events in pulse can be broadly categorized into:

Under each of these divisions there are numerous events. Also there are various other carnival activities including those organized by some of the sponsors. Stalls of food items and various other local attractions add to the carnival atmosphere.

At any point of time multiple events go on almost round the clock for one full week with vociferous support from the crowds. Due to the high level of participation, the events are fiercely contested national level inter-medical competitions, apart from some women-team events like basketball where non-medical teams are allowed to participate.

Special attractions

Pulse holds high class due to quality of participation as well as the judges. The best people in their fields available are invited to be the judge for the respective fields. Many of them are national level celebrities. The major attraction for every night is the Music Request Counter in the central quadrangle in the hostel. Every evening on all seven days there is one mega event in addition to the regular competitive events. The central Foyer in front of the Jawharlal Nehru Auditorium - the heart of pulse activities - is generally decorated with a huge rangoli which stays for the seven days. (More Rangolis)

Pulse 2011([1]) was organised successfully from 16th Septemer,2011 to 22nd September,2011 with the President John George and Chief Coordinators Harshit Garg and Himanshu Kanwat heading the team. Pulse 2011 witnesses the emblazing performances of singer Neeraj Shridhar on 18th Sept,2011 and KK on 21st Sept.,2011 with Rock Nite by Eka. The other events include The Kavi Sammelan, The Fashion Nite and The Magician-cum-Mentalist Nite by Arvind Jayashankar. Pulse 2011, being the 39th of its kind,proved to be among the best in its series with a crowd of over 7,500 medical undergraduates and crossing the figure of 12,000 on the Pop Nites- largest noted ever till date.

Behind the scenes

Pulse takes place by the coordinated efforts of the students at AIIMS. Preparations for pulse starts more than 6 months before the event. Teams leaders are elected for different activities like finance, conduction, internal publicity, external publicity, security, general arrangements, transport, central reception, accommodation etc by the Students' Union executive members. All the finances and funds for this mega-event are handled by the ' President' and ' Finance Secretary' of the Students' Union, who jointly are the signatory authorities of the official account of the Students' Union. Since these posts are associated with much prestige and work opportunity, a lot of politics goes on preceding the nominations for these posts.

These teams are under a Chief Coordinator and act in concordance with the teams under the Social & Cultural, Literary and Sports Secretaries (members of the Students Union, AIIMS) who host the competitive events.The Chief Coordinator is nominated by the Pulse Coordination Committee which consists of the elected Students' Executive in the month of February every year and the list of the finalised Pulse committee members is then officially submitted to the AIIMS administration. The Pulse Coordination Committee receives materials and instruction from the previous years' teams for the same activities, some of which, with more than three decades heritage, have become part of a well standardized (but complicated) algorithm.

The most laudable part is that AIIMS students take pride in executing most of these activities with the least hired professional help in spite of the small size of its student population. This is possible due to the high motivation and cooperation of all members of AIIMS community to let Pulse go on at its best. Though this has often led to constant bickering and fights amongst the organizing teams, however the spirit of Pulse has never been dampened.

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